It is important to differentiate between the introverts and extroverts who are HSP and those who do not self-identify as HSPs. All HSPs, whether introvert or extrovert, possess four main characteristics as identified by research psychologist, Dr. Elaine Aron in Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person (2010.) These four are: D.O.E.S.
Dr. Elaine Aron playfully refers to extroverted HSPs as such: “Those pesky 30% of sensitive people who were describing themselves as talking a lot, liking to meet new people, having a lot of friends, and It is important to differentiate between the introverts and extroverts who are HSP and those who do not self-identify as HSPs. All HSPs, whether introvert or extrovert, possess four main characteristics as identified by research psychologist, Dr. Elaine Aron in Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person (2010.) These four are: D.O.E.S. HSP extroverts enjoy group activities and meeting new people, just like all extroverts, but they need time alone to recover from the stimulation of being around other people and exciting events. That’s interesting :) I believe in case you’d be an extrovert HSP your automatically an ambivert, because there is that part of you that is actually extrovert and really wants to be with people and there it’s thoughts and stuff, and there is that other part of you that craves for time alone processing all the impressions.
Lite reflektioner (lite raljerande) från en professionell Introvert och HSP sedan 45 år. Vi kan ju börja med att om man skriver eller säger extrovert är det alltid någon förnumstig person som säger att: ’det heter faktiskt extravert’ (ni kan ju säga det för er själva med lite snorkig röst), men utan att tillföra något av värde. Elain Aron heeft in de jaren ’90 aangegeven dat ongeveer 70% van de HSP-ers introvert zijn. Dat is dus veel meer dan het gemiddelde van een derde van de bevolking! Daarom denken mensen vaak dat introversie hetzelfde is als HSP. Toch is 30% van de hoogsensitieve mensen extravert.
Jenn Turnham has been changing people’s lives since 2008.
Oct 26, 2012 I recently learned of a trait commonly termed "Highly Sensitive Person," or HSP. Most HSPs are MBTI introverts, and extroverted sensers were not found What's interesting is that the HSP and HSS trait
This is a result of biological difference that is at work in HSPs. These people are more conscious about subtleties and they also process information more profoundly. HSPs can be either introverts or extroverts.
Prikkelig - HSP & HSS. 936 likes. Community voor Highly Sensitive People (HSP's) die ook High Sensation Seeker (HSS) zijn.
extrovert spectrum. extrovert spelling. extrovert sports performers. extrovert. extrovert definition. extroverted. Added to this, now that I have discovered I am HSP and am learning about it, I feel freer to take my extrovert mask off more often, and be the introvert I really am.
1. Look at it as a package deal. You are fairly balanced in your introvert-extrovert personality.
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As Elaine Aron’s research has shown, 30% of Highly sensitive extroverts are caring, kind, and generous.
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Såväl introverta som extroverta kan vara HSP-personer Att ha det medfödda personlighetsdraget högkänslig sensationssökande, HSS eller High Sensation
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